
Do you realize just how much you are paying in interest to credit card companies over the years$%: If you only made minimum payments, and didn't add any new charges, it would still take you 30 years to pay off your current balance. Scary though, isn't it$%: Especially if you consider how much it can hurt your credit worthiness when you are applying for a loan for a new car or house.

Stop and Freeze Your Assets

Your first step should be to stop charging anything else to your credit cards. They are to be used in absolute financial emergencies only. If you feel yourself tempted to whip out that credit card to charge a new pair of shoes or the latest wide-screen TV, freeze your assets - literally. Put your credit cards in a Ziploc bag, Put the bag in a bowl of water and stick it in the freezer. If you really need your cards, you know you can defrost them in a matter of hours, but it will at least keep you from making impulse buys.

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Make A Budget

Now let's take a look at how you can come up with a little extra money each month to start paying off all this credit card debt. The easiest way to do this is to create a family budget. Include fixed expenses as well as varied expenses, such as food, entertainment and clothing. Putting it all down on paper or in a spreadsheet helps you identify where you are spending a lot and could do with less. Look at things like dinner and movie expenses, buying name-brand foods and clothing etc. Don't forget to look at your cell phone plans, cable, Internet and phone bills as well. You'll be surprised to see how much money you are wasting each month without even realizing it.

Slow And Steady Pays It Off

You don't need huge amounts of money to be able to pay off your credit card debt. Even if you only have a little bit of money to pay towards your credit card bills, you can get them paid off as long as you apply it consistently every single month. Making a budget should allow you to find $100 - 200 or even more that you can add to what you are already paying each month. Consistently use this money to pay it toward the principal of your consumer debt and you'll slowly, but steadily work yourself out of debt.

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